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Hartfort Hospital (USA) : établissement en torture spécialisée

Pigs used in laboratory research. This photo is NOT from Hartford Hospital.

Adressez un courrier de pression invitant le Hartford Hospital (USA) à rejoindre 95% des établissements de formation médicale américains qui n'utilisent plus le "modèle" animal et à abandonner l'utilisation hautement cruelle de cochons à des fins d'enseignement en chirurgie traumatique.

En effet, cet hôpital, en collaboration avec l'établissement de formation University of Connecticut School of Medicine, organise un cours (de boucherie...) d'une durée de 3 heures, que chaque stagiaire paie 1 500 $ pour massacrer des cochons adultes. Ces animaux reçoivent des coups de couteau dans différents organes au niveau de l'abdomen et de la poitrine, notamment dans les intestins, la vessie, les reins, le diaphragme, le foie, la rate et le coeur.

Chaque mois, cinq cochons subissent 14 mutilations différentes. Après une stabulation prolongée, soit ils meurent pendant les interventions réalisées sur eux pendant les "cours", soit ils sont détruits à la fin de la session.

Merci d'utiliser le modèle de courrier de protestation et les emails en blocs fournis ci-dessous.

En France, on a, notamment, l'Ecole de chirurgie de Strasbourg qui se fait la main sur les cochons pour ses chirurgiens, un animal bien pratique et peu polémique, puisque la plupart des Français en dévorent avec avidité.

Bien joué, les blouses blanches pleines de sang des innocents. Les animaux "vermines" (rats, souris,...) et à "viande" (cochons, moutons, chèvres, poisson, etc.) , ça émeut beaucoup moins le bon peuple contribuable que les chiens et les chats. Vous l'avez bien compris et appliqué à la lettre depuis le milieu des années 80.

International Campaigns

* * *

Stabbing Pigs To Teach Human Surgery?
EMAIL kinshipcircle@ accessus. netFOR WORD DOC OF A FORMATTED LETTER.
Easily modify letter and copy/paste it into an email or print out to fax or mail.
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FULL CONTACT INFORMATION. Sample letter follows.
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Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street; Hartford, CT 06102
main ph: 860-545-5000; main fax: 860-545-5066
web mail:
http://www.harthosp .org/PatientVisi tors/ContactUs/ ContactForm/ default.aspx

Mr. Elliot Joseph, President and CEO
ph: 860 545-2100; email: ejoseph@harthosp. org

Dr. Lenworth Jacobs, Director, Trauma Program/ATOM
ph: 860-545-3112; fax: 860-545-5132; email: ljacobs@harthosp. org

Erica Thompson, Coordinator, ATOM program
ph: 860-545-3766; email: ethomps@harthosp. org

Liz Pelletier, Animal Research Facility Manager/IACUC member
ph: 860-545-3164; email: epellet@harthosp. org

Dr. Laurine Bow, Director, Research Program
email: lbow@harthosp. org

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All emails found. Some contacts have no available email.
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ejoseph@harthosp. org, ljacobs@harthosp. org, ethomps@harthosp. org,
epellet@harthosp. org, lbow@harthosp. org

*Kinship Circlecannot guarantee validity of email addresses. During
campaigns, recipients may change or disable their email addresses. Emails
from government, corporate, or institute websites may be incorrect.

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This letter is prepared to inform you about the issue.
Try to shorten and personalize your letter before sending.
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Dear Mr. Joseph, Drs. Jacobs and Bow, Ms. Pelletier and Ms. Thompson:

As an advocate of viable medical research and training, I am dismayed
Hartford Hospital relies upon old-fashioned animal experimentation for its
Advanced Trauma Operative Management (ATOM) course.

I understand Hartford Hospital, in collaboration with the University of
Connecticut School of Medicine, oversees a 3-hour lab for which students pay
$1,500 to injure adult pigs. The animals are stabbed in various organs of
the abdomen and chest, including the bowel, bladder, kidney, diaphragm,
liver, spleen and heart. Each month, five pigs undergo 14 different
mutilations. After prolonged confinement, they either die during the drills
or are destroyed at the end of the session.

U.S. Department of Agriculture documents show Hartford Hospital regularly
holds more than 100 pigs for ATOM exercises, along with mice, dogs, guinea
pigs, rabbits and sheep for use in other experiments.

Deliberately maiming pigs delays knowledge and squanders the state's
resources. Experimenters cannot replicate human conditions in animals with
physiological, cellular, genetic and psychological attributes significantly
different from our own.

Please join over 95% of American medical schools that do not use animals in
surgical training. Most Advanced Trauma Life support courses have discarded
live animal labs and the American College of Surgeons no longer recommends
animal experimentation in its curriculum.

I urge you to use animal-free techniques with human-focused results -- such
as virtual reality simulators, hands-on physician mentoring, cadavers
mechanically equipped to pump artificial blood through vessels and emulate
live human surgery, etc.

Animal-free research supplies data relevant to humans. It deletes overhead
to confine, feed, conduct autopsies, and dispose of laboratory animals. A
New England Journal of Medicine report (2007) highlights the "very detailed
feedback and...more subtle measurement of trainee performance" surgical
students gain from use of virtual reality simulators. Furthermore, the
article summarizes, inanimate models are "safe, reproducible, portable,
readily available, and...cost-effectiv e."

Please terminate the use of live animals in surgical courses at Hartford
Hospital. Animal labs not only numb students to pain and suffering, but also
dissuade them from evolving with the most credible and proficient
technologies available. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.


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HartfordHospital is hell for animals
http://www.uchckill smonkeys. com/harthosp. html
http://connecticutf oranimals. blogspot. com
http://www.uchckill smonkeys. com
    justin_goodman@ sbcglobal. net

Help us put FACTS in front of people!


  • Distribute mass quantities at conferences and exhibits nationwide.
  • Send you hard copies, upon request, for tabling, leafleting, demos, presentations. ..

http://www.kinshipc ircle.org/ fact_sheets/ MODSacrificOneWo ntSaveOther. pdf 
http://www.kinshipc ircle.org/ fact_sheets/ VivisectiLessonF utilityPH. pdf
http://www.kinshipc ircle.org/ fact_sheets/ DyingForKibble. pdf

http://www.kinshipc ircle.org/ fact_sheets/

Action Campaigns I Literature I Animal Disaster Aid Networking
info@kinshipcircle. org or kinshipcircle@ accessus. net
http://www.KinshipC ircle.org * http://www.kinshipc ircle.org/ disasters/

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