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Autriche : appel à journée d'action (10 juin)


Le niveau d'expression publique contre la répression anti-animalistes en Autriche est remarquable, ainsi le travail sous-jacent des militants qui oeuvrent à ce qu'il y ait en permanence des événements à ce sujet.

Se reporter au message ci-dessous pour le détail : prise de position du président d'Amnesty international Autriche, d'un célèbre acteur allemand, conférence de presse des Verts et de Greenpeace, manifestations, conférences, colloques...

Nombreux échos dans la presse, tous favorables.

Aujourd'hui, les militants autrichiens demandent au reste du monde s'il serait possible d'organiser une journée internationale de solidarité le 10 juin, juste avant que le ministère de la justice décide d'inculper ou pas des personnes.

Il s'agirait de manifester devant des ambassades et consulats d'Autriche à l'étranger.


Début du message réexpédié :

De : XXX
Date : 18 mai 2009
Objet : [Freedom_for_ Austrian_ Activists] Austria: anti-repression work in full swing! + international day of solidarity demos

On 10th june we suggest an international day of protests outside austrian embassies worldwide!

Please do let us know if you could imagine participating!

This must be just before the Minister of justice is deciding whether to press charges or not!

The story is really kicking off now!

The media are full with stories on the case and absolutely all stories are in favour of the activists and against repression.

Today, too, for example the daily newspaper "Standard" ran a long article on the repression and police breaking the law and a second long article on an interview with Martin B. and all totally supportive and cool!

http://derstandard. at/?url=/ ?id=124231611900 7

Aapparently, the New York Post is writing an article for tomorrow.

Also, the head of Amnesty International Austria on Youtube against the repression of animal activists (in austrian):

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=CN5GY_9qo_ o

This week, a german comedian star will speak out against police repression in Austria.

Next week, an austrian talk master will follow.

This weekend, again, there were public talks on the repression case in Linz.

Today, the club of Vienna (a club of university profs commenting on problems in democracy) decided to do a university symposium on police repression with Martin B. as a speaker.

Tomorrow morning, Greenpeace, a human rights ngo, the greens and the labour party will hold a press conference together in parliament on the case (highly sympathetic! ).

Tomorrow night, the University of Graz has invited Martin B. to speak on the repression case in the evening.

Wednesday, the Green Party spokesperson on police matters will present charges against police in the case, which he will report to state prosecution.

On Thursday 21st may, there will be a human chain from parliament to the supreme court in Vienna, commemorating 1 year of the arrests.

On the weekend Thursday to Sunday, the liberation days in Vienna will make the repression case a topic.

23rd May will see a demo march through Vienna against police repression.

On Wednesday 27th May, activists will bury the constitution, which is guaranteeing human rights of protest, in front of the supreme court.

On the 2nd of June, a flashmob against police repression will be organised.

On the 3rd of June, the green students will hold a press conference on police repression.

On 5th-7th June, the critical civil society will hold a conference in Vienna, on which Martin B. will do a keynote speach on the case.

8th of June will see the final trial day of vgt sueing the biggest austrian daily newspaper for libel.

During the incarceration, this newspaper has claimed that vgt is responsible for 8 arson attacks.

There is a lot more in the pipeline!

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